Our Summer term runs from Monday 19th April to Tuesday 23rd July. Half Term is Monday 27th May to Monday 3rd June. Paper copies of information from our website are available free of charge.

Meet the Team

Miss N Teixeira


Mrs N Armstrong

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs F Lobban


Mrs A Richards

Reception Class Teacher

Mrs L Keill

Year 1 Class Teacher

Mrs T Blount

Year 2 Class Teacher

Mrs S Eustace

Year 2 Class Teacher

Miss K Piotrowicz

Year 3 Class Teacher

Miss R Palmer

Year 4 Class Teacher

Mrs D Clifton-Griffith

Year 5 Class Teacher

Mrs R Clarke

Year 6 Class Teacher

Miss K Oliver

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Miss H Willson

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs J Ash

Teaching Assistant

Mrs L Bartle

Teaching Assistant

Miss S Dowling

Teaching Assistant

Mrs C Kearney

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Z Keast

Teaching Assistant

Mrs S Venn

Teaching Assistant

Mrs A Vigo

Teaching Assistant, Administrator

Mrs N Lavis

Senior Administrator

Mr M Vigo

Premises Manager

Local CAST Board
Although part of a Multi Academy Trust, St John's still has a team of governors supporting the leadership and management of the school. The board is made up of members, and carries out its responsibilities, in line with the Trust's Scheme of Delegation.
To contact our Chair of Governors please email: camborneadmin@plymouthcast.com
Mr F Sanderson

Foundation Governor, Chair of Governors (Governor for Health and Safety and GDPR)

Mrs S Trezise

Foundation Governor, Vice Chair of Governors (Governor for Safeguarding)

Mrs M Haynes

Foundation Governor (Governor for RE and Catholic Life)

Mr C West

Parent Governor (Governor for SEND)

Mrs S Belshaw

Community Governor (Governor for Curriculum and Standards)

Mrs J Ash

Staff Governor

Mrs F Lobban

Staff Governor

Miss N Teixeira

Headteacher (Ex-officio)

M Harris

Clerk to the LCB